Life In A Day Kevin Macdonald

Life In A Day Kevin Macdonald | Life In A Day Kevin Macdonald | Youtube Life in a Day 24 July

Ridley Scott, Kevin Macdonald and Youtube are putting together a cinematic experiment. Entitled Life In A Day, YouTube users can upload a video of whatever you want in hope of having your video featured in a user-generated feature film. The top 20 contributors will be featured in the film with Ridly Scott and Kevin Macdonald amalgamating the videos together to make a feature film.

The film will be presented at the Sundance Festival in Utah, January 2011. The contributors selected will be credited as co-producers, and could win a trip to the premiere at Sundance. As for myself, I’ll be filming my time at the Nintendo Connection Tour in Myer and other shenannigans during the day!