Slogans for Population Day

Slogans for Population Day | World Population Day Slogans | 2010 Population Day Slogans

Life in our universe is unfolding as it should.

Life and death is earth’s natural cleansing system.

Women/Man fertile for forty year, bares ten, loses five to humble them the precious gift of life.

Abortion is distortion of tomorrows needs.

Two by two Noah lead the natural progress of life.

One life to Live, shall thousands give.

The life you save in harmony may be your own.

Many live, many die and human moves on with hi and bye.

“We have not inherited the world from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children”.
by Kashmiri Proverb

Human life, the keepers, the weepers, endless seekers.

Only Love can answer the little ones who have themselves all the world to learn.

No doubt, weather and war, the death roll shall befall.

Assume me great, assume me worthless, I am human life, my numbers many for plight is plenty.

Sacrifice of human life, an action to destruction for an end.

My human numbers many for life to sustain plenty.

Naked at birth, naked at death for no material worth shall I take with.

My Mommies, Mommies, Mommy loved me today.

Can my Daddy’s hands wipe the tears from my great grand daughters loneliness?

For he is me and I am him who bares the name a human friend.

Child to child who are we, the specimen of humanity.